
Bill Gates Quotes about Country

By 2035, there will be almost no poor countries left in the world.

"Against Excellence" by Jack Stilgoe, December 19, 2014.

Some very poor countries run great vaccination systems, and some richer ones run terrible programs.

"Bill Gates: ‘Death is something we really understand extremely well’". Interview with Ezra Klein, May 17, 2013.

I understand how every healthy child, every new road, puts a country on a better path, but instability and war will arise from time to time, and I'm not an expert on how you get out of those things.

"Bill Gates Reveals Family Goes to Catholic Church: 'It Makes Sense to Believe in God'" by Stoyan Zaimov, March 14, 2014.

The US spends more on energy R&D than all other countries put together, and I personally consider it quite inadequate.

"THE BILL GATES INTERVIEW: An energy miracle is coming, and it's going to change the world". Interview with Drake Baer, February 22, 2016.

Rich countries can afford to overpay for things.

"Q&A: Bill Gates on the World's Energy Crisis". Interview with Chris Anderson, June 20, 2011.

In low-income countries, getting to a health post is hard. It's very expensive.

"Wonkblog Bill Gates: ‘Death is something we really understand extremely well’". Interview with Ezra Klein, May 17, 2013.