Sometimes my dad even gets on this kick--'You hate this country'....I have to tell him...I just hate being lied to.
You know what I hate about working? Bosses...The very idea that ANYONE could be my boss, well...I think you see the conflict.
That's what I hate about the war on drugs. All day long we see those commercials: "Here's your brain, here's your brain on drugs", "Just Say No", "Why do you think they call it dope?" … And then the next commercial is [singing] "This Bud's for yooouuuu." C'mon, everybody, let's be hypocritical bastards. It's okay to drink your drug. We meant those other drugs. Those untaxed drugs. Those are the ones that are bad for you.
I hate patriotism... I can't stand it. It's a round world last time I checked.