If you surround me with darkness, suddenly, I am "somewhat fun."
It's fun to discover things. I wouldn't want everything laid out, simply and too obviously.
I think that acting is no fun unless it's hard. I'm not titillated by acting or being an actor unless I have to work hard.
Comedy can be destructive, and still very, very funny. But if I can do something that is fun to watch and critical of the world but not wantonly destructive, I pursue those kinds of ideas more. The world needs less destruction. And destruction is kind of “easy,” too.
Acting in particular is a fun job when you have a good script. I don't know about acting when you don't have a great script. I'm gonna say that's not a great job, it's kind of a dumb job. But when you have a good part in a good script, it's the best job, in a way.
I've always tried to have a rule that you shouldn't make fun of innocent people who can't defend themselves. I find that a little unseemly and distasteful. But nothing's really sacred to me.
Directing is probably the best job, but acting is really, really great. It's like a fun vacation that you get paid for.