There's so many guys skiing so fast right now that you really have to be willing to take a lot of risks if you want to give yourself a chance to win. I'm prepared to do it; it's just a matter of if I can make it work.
That feeling is the same whether you're on either side of the hundredths. Obviously, it's great to win the world championship, but if you put down that kind of skiing, it's awesome either way.
But there was no question in my mind that I was gonna still go for it. I was still going for the win. I wasn't skiing for second or third place today, and in the end I think that's probably what got me there.
I still love racing and the challenge of it, but at some point, you get to a place where you're perfectly happy moving on and doing other stuff.
I simply think things through, and I look at problems. One thing I pride myself on is the ability to connect unconnected thoughts and come up with new, unique thoughts.
I really am a thinker. I don't do things rash. I know some of the things I've said or the way I act seem rash. But I do take ownership of it. I don't say things I don't mean.
It's nice, being brought up with no money at all. It's just not how I measure success, so that makes it a bunch easier.
I like to keep my private life private for the most part.
In some ways, that's the story of my season - when I wasn't making big mistakes, I was winning races and being on the podium. And when I made mistakes I was still fourth or fifth, just off the podium.
Arousal-control has been an issue for me since the beginning of my career.
People in the U.S. will watch anything if it's put in front of their face over and over again. I like to see what's possible, more than anything.
The way I judge myself is not on how many World Cups I can win in a row.
I don't put anything in front of taking ski racing and sports seriously.
Once the season starts for me, there isn't a change in my focus, just a change in my tactics and strategies.
One of the really important things about the Olympics is, to enjoy yourself, you have to accept that it's different and feed off the enthusiasm of everyone and the inspiration and hopefully that will elevate your performance.
We should tell our kids to just have fun, participate and not get bent on winning or losing. But every coach, when they say that, they say it tongue in cheek, 'Don't worry about winning': If you win I'll get you ice cream, but if you lose I'm going to pout in the car.
My daughter's name is Neesyn Dacey but everyone calls her Dacey. Her mom chose Neesyn and I chose Dacey after she was born. The mother is a good friend of mine who I was seeing a while ago. We are no longer together.
The same people who recognize I came out with no medals should recognize I could have won three.
I couldn't be happier with where my life's at right now. I have great partners, I have great stimulating relationships on the business side of things, I've been really busy and productive.
I have an eight-year-old girl and she does have some appreciation for fashion, but she's stuck in that: "Oh my God, this is cute" phase, so when I go shopping with her and my wife, I can only last about 10 minutes before I have to start exploring other parts of the store.
I would say most of my style is driven by functionality and comfort.
At the end of the day, you have to make sure you're at least listening to what your head is telling you, what your heart is telling you. That's hard to do when there are a million other people shouting as loud as they can.
Some of them I probably would like. Some of my fans probably beat their wives or run over little kids and they just happen to watch me on TV and like the way I ski. Obviously I clearly wouldn't like that person if I knew 'em better.
I think four Olympics is probably enough. Five Olympics is a long time, but there's nothing wrong with that if I'm into it and I'm healthy and my priorities can fit around that.
It's important for me to live my life honestly.