
Charles Handy Quotes

Change is only another word for growth, another synonym for learning.

Change is only another word for growth, another synonym for learning.

Charles Handy (2012). “The Age Of Unreason”, p.4, Random House

You have to stand outside the box to see how the box can be re-designed.

Charles B. Handy (2003). “The Elephant and the Flea: Reflections of a Reluctant Capitalist”, p.109, Harvard Business Press

A leader shapes and shares a vision, which gives point to the work of others.

Charles Handy (2012). “The Age Of Unreason”, p.106, Random House

The future is not inevitable. We can influence it, if we know what we want it to be.

Charles Handy (2012). “The Age Of Unreason”, p.7, Random House

A good team is a great place to be, exciting, stimulating, supportive, successful. A bad team is horrible, a sort of human prison.

Charles Handy (2000). “Twenty-One Ideas for Managers: Practical Wisdom for Managing Your Company and Yourself”, Jossey-Bass

Creativity needs a bit of untidiness. Make everything too neat and there is no room for experiment.

Charles Handy (2008). “The Hungry Spirit: New Thinking for a New World”, p.35, Random House

We need to have faith in the future to make sense of the present.

Charles B. Handy (1994). “The Empty Raincoat: Making Sense of the Future”, Random House Business Books

Learning is experience understood in tranquility.

Charles B. Handy (1998). “Beyond Certainty: The Changing Worlds of Organizations”, p.155, Harvard Business Press