
Charles S. Maier Quotes

The intrusion of history is not just theoretical. It is also the legacy of being an accomplice or a victim, or just an onlooker. In each case, history entails the uncomfortable presence of earlier unresolved roles.

The intrusion of history is not just theoretical. It is also the legacy of being an accomplice or a victim, or just an onlooker. In each case, history entails the uncomfortable presence of earlier unresolved roles.

Charles S. Maier (1998). “The Unmasterable Past: History, Holocaust, and German National Identity, With a new preface”, p.160, Harvard University Press

No one can master the past; one can only interrogate it.

Charles S. Maier (1998). “The Unmasterable Past: History, Holocaust, and German National Identity, With a new preface”, p.136, Harvard University Press