I like films that continue to spin your head in all sorts of different directions after you've seen them.
I like films where the music and the sound design, at times, are almost indistinguishable.
To me, the most interesting approach to film noir is subjective. The genre is really all about not knowing what's going on around you, and that fear of the unknown. The only way to do that effectively is to really get into the maze, rather than look at the maze from above, so that's where I sort of come at it.
I would never say someone's else's film isn't 'a real film.' The quote is inaccurate.
I want to be surprised and entertained by a movie, so that's what we're trying to do for the audience. Obviously, we also have to sell the film.
Film is the best way to capture an image and project that image. It just is, hands down.
By the time I was 10 or 11, I knew I wanted to make films.
It's difficult to keep anything fresh for an audience these days. With technology being what it is people seem to know everything there is to know about a film before you've even made it.
It's certainly difficult to balance marketing a film and putting it out there to everybody with wanting to keep it fresh for the audience.