
Jonathan Lynn Quotes

Being a journalist, Hacker had no particular talent for reporting facts.

Being a journalist, Hacker had no particular talent for reporting facts.

Jonathan Lynn, Antony Jay (1988). “The complete Yes, Minister: the diaries of a cabinet minister”, HarperCollins

You've only got to be in public life for about a week before you start to question if the newspapers are even giving you today's date with any accuracy!

Jonathan Lynn, Antony Jay (1988). “The complete Yes, Minister: the diaries of a cabinet minister”, HarperCollins

If people stop having secrets they stop having power.

Jonathan Lynn, Antony Jay (1988). “The complete Yes, Minister: the diaries of a cabinet minister”, HarperCollins

Stalin didn't write any memoirs. He was too secretive. He was afraid people might read them.

Jonathan Lynn, Antony Jay (1988). “The complete Yes, Minister: the diaries of a cabinet minister”, HarperCollins