Cole Porter Quotes - Page 2

Who wants to be a millionaire? And go to ev'ry swell affair?
1956 'WhoWants to Be aMillionaire', fromthe show High Society.
Cole Porter (1954). “103 lyrics”
Song: You Do Something To Me
Cole Porter (1954). “103 lyrics”
Song: Let's Do It
Song: I Love Paris
"Let's Do It" (song) (1954). These words were added to the original 1928 song, replacing lines including "Chinks do it, Japs do it" because Porter realized that those lyrics were offensive.
"Night and Day" (song) (1932)
"Don't Fence Me In" (song) (1944)
Song: Let's Do It
If you want to buy my wares Follow me and climb the stairs... Love for sale.
Song: Love For Sale
"Brush Up Your Shakespeare" (song) (1948)
"Be a Clown" (song) (1948)
"Song: 'Night and Day'". 1932.