I'm going to have classical piano lessons next.
In Kid A and Amnesiac, the guitar becomes one more texture, difficult to separate from other textures.
Motion Picture Soundtrack on Kid A was another Coltrane inspiration.
Bill Withers and Curtis Mayfield, those are the people who informed me in playing the bass.
I tend to play better in the studio, no pressures, just sheer volume and alcohol.
I trained as a classical guitarist but that was it.
When we rehearse, we're always trying to aim for something else. But we never quite succeed in getting there.
Occasionally I play the music for my mother when she demands to hear it and she always just says, 'Who is that singing? I don't like the singing.' And then she says 'Who's doing all that bumpety-bump noise?' It's all noise backing up horrible singing as far as she's concerned. She's not a show-biz mother.
You should approach technological things in a nostalgic way.
Limits are very important.
Warp was important to Thom about two years ago when he was looking for different sounds.
People need to focus on bigger issues instead of whether George Bush is an idiot or not.