
Dana Carvey Quotes - Page 2

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That's why modern corporate movie making has become so laborious that comedians are kind of kicked out by 50.

That's why modern corporate movie making has become so laborious that comedians are kind of kicked out by 50.

"Dana Carvey Talks Master of Disguise". Interview, January 16, 2003.

I have a theory that if you're famous more years than you're not famous, then you get a little nutty.

"Dana Carvey talks parenting, “SNL” and Carlmont High cross country". Interview with Peter Hartlaub, April 30, 2010.

I got lucky. I won the San Francisco Stand-Up Comedy Competition in 1977 while I was still at San Francisco State.

"Dana Carvey talks parenting, “SNL” and Carlmont High cross country". Interview with Peter Hartlaub, April 30, 2010.

After years of begging, I got my parents to get me a little Craig tape recorder, a reel to reel. Then I started recording voices, or recording Jonathan Winters off television and stuff like that.

"Dana Carvey talks parenting, “SNL” and Carlmont High cross country". Interview with Peter Hartlaub, April 30, 2010.

I did a lot of ridiculous television. Between 1980 and '85 I had no confidence, so I did everything I was told to do.

"Dana Carvey talks parenting, “SNL” and Carlmont High cross country". Interview with Peter Hartlaub, April 30, 2010.

I tried to go out for theater or theater arts, but I was too scared or too intimidated. But I had a lot of friends on the cross country team that had great senses of humor.

"Dana Carvey talks parenting, “SNL” and Carlmont High cross country". Interview with Peter Hartlaub, April 30, 2010.