There were some parts of the film [Swiss Army Man] that the Daniels [Kwan and Scheinert] really wanted to look as elegant as a piece of ballet. As Hank and Manny go on in the story, they get better and better at being with each other and more and more adept - Hank knows more and more what Manny's going to need at any given point, and having that choreography helps a bit.
What first attracted me to doing Swiss Army Man was just how mental it was - how insane and wonderful and original the script was.
I think it speaks to the fact that other people are as excited about originality as we are. I think the thing that has been wonderfully communicated in the trailers and all the promotion for the movie [Swiss Army Man] is that it isn't like anything else you've ever seen, and we're not just saying that. I think that excites people.
Paul [Dano] was amazing at carrying me around [in Swiss Army Man]. I wanted to be there as much as possible but didn't want to hurt Paul's back, but Paul often chose me over the dummy many times on the set. But yeah, to be honest, a little bit of preparation I did with my friend in my flat could never have prepared me for quite the level of physical reliance we would have on each other.
We would choreograph [ with Paul Dano] before each scene [in Swiss Army Man] and very quickly got to a place where we could improvise physically in scene and know that the other person would respond in character appropriately. So that [dynamic] was a lot of fun.
I think it's kind of great, to be honest. I'll never do another film [like Swiss Army Man] where I get to talk about those things, so I might as well enjoy it while I can.
It's really good to talk about it [ hydraulic penises and prosthetic butts], and it's very gratifying when people ask us about the other aspects of the film [Swiss Army Man], but [those things] are part of the movie and they're important and hilarious, a very fun part of the movie, so there's no sense from us of not wanting to talk about that. I think it's exciting that those things exist in a film that is also very heartfelt and emotional and profound.
Those things [t hydraulic penises and prosthetic butts and all that] can be what's genuinely shocking about the movie [Swiss Army Man] because people wouldn't expect to be moved by any of it.
We sing a lot of the soundtrack in this film [Swiss Army Man] - me and Paul Dano - and on the last day of filming we had to just get into the back of our sound mixer's van and record a really crappy, rough version of the singing then. For some reason that was one of the most fun days.
I remember Paul [Dano] had said at one point that when he finished this film [Swiss Army Man] was the strongest he'd ever been just from lugging me around for [several] weeks.
Every day I would come to set [of Swiss Army Man] going like, "How are we going to do this?".
I think it was pretty obvious early on that we had both come with kind of the same attitude of "Let's just [jump] in," and neither of us was going to be precious about it. I feel like the thing that we learned is, weirdly, the most intimate thing or a very intimate thing you can do to somebody is hold their tongue with your fingers. When Paul [Dano] is making me talk [in Swiss Army Man].