Dante Alighieri Quotes - Page 8

The only fit reply to a fit request is silence and the fact.
Dante Alighieri, John Ciardi (1954). “The inferno”, Signet
"Purgatorio (Divine Comedy, Book 2)". Book by Dante Alighieri (Canto XIII), 1321.
Dante Alighieri, John Ciardi (1996). “The Purgatorio”
Dante Alighieri (2001). “The Purgatorio”, p.83, Penguin
Divina Commedia "Paradiso" canto 17, l. 58 (ca. 1310 - 1321) (translation by John D. Sinclair)
Dante Alighieri (2000). “Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy: Purgatory. Italian text and verse translation”, p.295, Indiana University Press
Dante Alighieri, Frank Samperi, Harry Gilonis (1993). “Samperi-- Dante: Frank Samperi's translations of the first two cantos of Dante's Paradiso ; with an introductory essay by Harry Gilonis”
"The Divine Comedy".
Dante Alighieri (1982). “The divine comedy of Dante Alighieri: a verse translation”
Dante Alighieri (2001). “The Inferno”, p.245, Penguin
The truth thy speech doth show, within my heart reproves the swelling pride.
"The Divine Comedy: Purgatorio". Poem by Dante Alighieri, Canto XI, 1321.
Dante Alighieri (1995). “Dante’s Inferno, The Indiana Critical Edition”, p.49, Indiana University Press
"Divine Comedy". Poem by Dante Alighieri. Purgatoria, Song XI, 100, 1321.
Dante Alighieri (1982). “Purgatorio: Introduction, Italian test & translation, and thirty-four drawings”, p.2, Univ of California Press
Consider the sea's listless chime: Time's self it is, made audible.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Dante Alighieri (1949). “Poems & translations, 1850-1870: together with the prose story 'Hand and soul'”
Dante Alighieri (2016). “Paradiso”, p.158, Bantam Classics
Dante Alighieri (2000). “Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy: Purgatory. Italian text and verse translation”, p.163, Indiana University Press
"Divine Comedy". Poem by Dante Alighieri. Inferno, Song IV, 42, 1321.
The customs and fashions of men change like leaves on the bough, some of which go and others come.
"Divine Comedy". Poem by Dante Alighieri. Paradiso, Song XXVI, 137, 1321.
Dante Alighieri (2003). “The Divine Comedy”, p.80, Penguin