
David Stockman Quotes

Bernanke has cultivated this idea that he is a brilliant scholar of The Great Depression, but that’s not true at all.

Bernanke has cultivated this idea that he is a brilliant scholar of The Great Depression, but that’s not true at all.

"David Stockman on his Book and the Bailouts". Mises Institute Interview, September 6, 2013.

The Republican Party, as much as it pains me to say this, should be ashamed of themselves.

"60 Minutes Promotes Washington's 1098 Income Tax Initiative, Stahl Hails Stockman as 'Brave' for Wanting Tax Hikes" by Brent Baker, November 1, 2010.

A veritable incubator of short cuts, schemes and devices to overcome the truth.

David Stockman (2013). “The Triumph of Politics: Why the Reagan Revolution Failed”, p.75, PublicAffairs

Kemp-Roth was always a Trojan horse to bring down the top rate.

"The Education of David Stockman" by William Greider, December 1981.