
Dianna Agron Quotes

Without love we are not truly living.

FaceBook post by Dianna Agron from Sep 02, 2012

Well I've also kind of noticed that, whatever energy that you put out, is kind of the energy that you receive. And so people are just really lovely and kind and soft spoken with me.

"Dianna Agron Interview I AM NUMBER FOUR; Plus an Update on the GLEE Super Bowl Episode". Interview with Christina Radish, February 3, 2011.

I think that people vibe off your energy and I'm a pretty mellow person.

"Dianna Agron On Set Interview I AM NUMBER FOUR". Interview with Steve Weintraub, October 11, 2010.

Stress is the worst thing. That's the ultimate demise of any good thing.

"Dianna Agron on Life, Glee, and the Paparazzi". Interview with Sam Bellikoff, February 18, 2011.