
Donald Knuth Quotes - Page 3

I'm obsessively detail-oriented.

I'm obsessively detail-oriented.

"The art of Don E. Knuth". Interview with Mark Wallace, September 16, 1999.

I've never been a good estimator of how long things are going to take.

"The art of Don E. Knuth". Interview with Mark Wallace, September 16, 1999.

[The Euclidean algorithm is] the granddaddy of all algorithms, because it is the oldest nontrivial algorithm that has survived to the present day.

Donald E. Knuth (2014). “Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms”, p.550, Addison-Wesley Professional

Meta-design is much more difficult than design; it's easier to draw something than to explain how to draw it.

Donald Ervin Knuth (1986). “The METAFONTbook”, Addison-Wesley Professional

Any inaccuracies in this index may be explained by the fact that it has been prepared with the help of a computer.

Donald Ervin Knuth (2008). “The Art of Computer Programming: Fundamental algorithms”

We should continually be striving to transform every art into a science: in the process, we advance the art.

"Computer Programming as an Art". Communications of the ACM, Volume 17, Issue 12, December 1974.

The sun comes up just about as often as it goes down, in the long run, but this doesn't make its motion random.

Donald E. Knuth (2014). “Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms”, p.115, Addison-Wesley Professional