
Doug Pagitt Quotes

Christianity has always been the hope of God through Jesus played out in the lives of real people living in real circumstances.

Christianity has always been the hope of God through Jesus played out in the lives of real people living in real circumstances.

Doug Pagitt (2012). “A Christianity Worth Believing: Hope-filled, Open-armed, Alive-and-well Faith for the Left Out, Left Behind, and Let Down in us All”, p.26, John Wiley & Sons

The inerrancy debate is based on the belief that the Bible is the word of God, that the Bible is true because God made it and gave it to us as a guide to truth. But that's not what the Bible says.

Doug Pagitt (2012). “A Christianity Worth Believing: Hope-filled, Open-armed, Alive-and-well Faith for the Left Out, Left Behind, and Let Down in us All”, p.42, John Wiley & Sons

The early evangelists recognized they could help the Jesus story make sense if Jesus was seen as someone who was chosen to appease the wrath of God - hence, the 'anointed one' who could do what no one else could do.

Doug Pagitt (2012). “A Christianity Worth Believing: Hope-filled, Open-armed, Alive-and-well Faith for the Left Out, Left Behind, and Let Down in us All”, p.99, John Wiley & Sons

This can come as a shock to those Christians who are so used to hearing that Jesus is the solution to sin that they assume that the remedy started with the death of Jesus.

Doug Pagitt (2012). “A Christianity Worth Believing: Hope-filled, Open-armed, Alive-and-well Faith for the Left Out, Left Behind, and Let Down in us All”, p.90, John Wiley & Sons