Ted Haggard Quotes
Ted Haggard (1998). “The Life-Giving Church”, Regal Books
Ted Haggard, R. Lance Coles (1998). “The Life-giving Church”, Baker Publishing Group
Ted Haggard (2002). “Simple Prayers for a Powerful Life”, Baker Publishing Group
Ted Haggard (2002). “Simple Prayers for a Powerful Life”, Baker Publishing Group
"Dog Training, Fly Fishing, and Sharing Christ in the 21st Century". Book by Ted Haggard, 2002.
Ted Haggard (2008). “Dog Training, Fly Fishing, and Sharing Christ in the 21st Century: Empowering Your Church to Build Community Through Shared Interests”, p.15, Thomas Nelson Inc
Ted Haggard (2003). “Letters from Home”, Regal Books
Ted Haggard (2006). “Your Primary Purpose”