
Dwight L. Moody Quotes about Inspiring

A man who prays much in private will make short prayers in public.

Dwight L Moody (1898). “Men of the Bible: Abraham, Moses, Naaman, Nehemiah, Herod, John the Baptist, The Man Born Blind, Joseph of Arimathea, The Penitent Thief”, p.48, Moody Publishers

So few grow, because so few study.

Dwight L Moody (2013). “Experiencing Pleasure and Profit in Bible Study”, p.9, Moody Publishers

We can stand affliction better than we can prosperity, for in prosperity we forget God.

Dwight L Moody (1958). “Talks to Christians”, p.81, Moody Publishers

I never saw a fruit-bearing Christian who was not a student of the Bible.

Dwight L Moody (2013). “Experiencing Pleasure and Profit in Bible Study”, p.8, Moody Publishers

The object of the Bible is not to tell how good men are, but how bad men can become good.

Dwight L Moody (2013). “Experiencing Pleasure and Profit in Bible Study”, p.75, Moody Publishers

Character is what you are in the dark.

Attributed in "D.L. Moody" by William R. Moody, (p. 503), 1930.

If God did not want us to understand the book of Revelation, He would not have given it to us at all.

Dwight L Moody (2013). “Experiencing Pleasure and Profit in Bible Study”, p.88, Moody Publishers

We are not fountains ourselves; but the Word of God is the true fountain.

Dwight L Moody (2013). “Experiencing Pleasure and Profit in Bible Study”, p.8, Moody Publishers