Eden Phillpotts Quotes
You never know what a fool you can be till life gives you the chance.
Eden Phillpotts (1928). “The Ring Fence”
No mean woman can cook well. It calls for a generous spirit, a light hand, and a large heart.
Eden Phillpotts (1906). “The Portreeve”
Eden Phillpotts (1918). “A Shadow Passes”
Those who seek to impress upon us that they are gentlemen will usually be found mistaken.
Eden Phillpotts (1934). “A year with Bisshe-Bantam”
Eden Phillpotts (1918). “A Shadow Passes”
As for the largest-hearted of us, what is the word we write most often in our cheque-books? "Self.
Eden Phillpotts (1918). “A Shadow Passes”