
Ernest Holmes Quotes - Page 4

Nothing is too good to be true.

Nothing is too good to be true.

Ernest Holmes (2010). “Think Your Troubles Away”, p.50, Penguin

The manifest universe is the body of God ... all people are incarnations of the One Spirit.

Ernest Holmes, Michael Beckwith (2010). “How to Change Your Life: An Inspirational, Life-Changing Classic from the Ernest Holmes Library”, p.131, Health Communications, Inc.

Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts, cause your mind to dwell on peace and joy.

Ernest Holmes (2007). “365 Science of Mind: A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes”, p.241, Penguin

As you discover your daily good, and believe in it, and think about it, expect it to continue.

Ernest Holmes, Michael Beckwith (2010). “How to Change Your Life: An Inspirational, Life-Changing Classic from the Ernest Holmes Library”, p.296, Health Communications, Inc.

Like attracts like and we attract just what we are in mind.

Ernest Holmes (2007). “Creative Mind”, p.20, Penguin

There is a Power in the universe greater than you are, and you can use it.

Ernest Holmes (2007). “365 Science of Mind: A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes”, p.12, Penguin

A state of expectancy is a great assetl; a state of uncertainty-one moment thinking "perhaps" and the next moment thinking "I don't know"-will never get desired results.

Ernest Holmes, Michael Beckwith (2010). “How to Change Your Life: An Inspirational, Life-Changing Classic from the Ernest Holmes Library”, p.15, Health Communications, Inc.

When we learn to trust the universe, we shall be happy, prosperous and well

Ernest Holmes (2012). “The Science of Mind Collection”, p.22, Penguin

It is right that we should be successful, for otherwise Spirit is not expressed.

Ernest Holmes (2012). “The Science of Mind Collection”, p.184, Penguin

Let the inner ear listen to the voice of truth that is always speaking.

Ernest Holmes (2012). “The Science of Mind Collection”, p.180, Penguin

Since each soul is some part of the Whole, it is impossible that any soul can be lost.

Ernest Holmes (2007). “The Science of the Mind”, p.209, Cosimo, Inc.