Do It Badly - But at Least Do It!
Get Creative - You Will Surprise Yourself and Change the World!
Thank Heaven for Retirement!
According to the book Celebrate Today, June 18th is National Splurge Day. Besides being the birthday of Paul McCartney and Isabella Rossellini, it's also mine. Go ahead; celebrate my birthday and don't worry about the cost!
Great opportunity is all around you and it will inspire you to either take advantage of it or deny that it is there.
Never economize on the small luxuries of life. Drinking fine wine and eating chocolate won't solve your problems - but they won't hurt either.
Opportunity can't reward you with its many gifts if you fail to recognize it and act on it. What most people don't seem to realize is that there is just as much money to be made from the wreckage of a civilization as from the upbuilding of one. Let the good times roll!
Having a great deal of opportunity proves nothing. Opportunity without creative action is like a brand new Ferrari without an engine. You possess something valuable, but it won't get you anywhere.
Your prosperity and happiness will ultimately be determined by the enrichment you create for others in this world. If whatever you are doing does not enrich your life, or that of others, then it's time to do something else.
Slow down in your pursuit of happiness and it's more likely to catch up with you.
If you believe that happiness can be bought, then why don't you try selling some of yours?
Exceptional talent and extraordinary creativity are irrelevant! It's what you do with what little you have that counts big time in the end.
Want to know the secret behind The Secret? The Law of Attraction will not bring you abundance and prosperity for just thinking pleasant, positive thoughts. It is no cosmic mistake that the word "attraction" has the word "action" in it. Abundance is, in fact, the result of creative thinking and a lot of action. Much action, much prosperity, in other words. What are you waiting for?
Don't believe you have to travel far and wide to discover opportunities. The best opportunities will always be found in your own back yard, and not half way around the world in someone else's backyard. You have to look for them, however.
You can't have the space for prosperity and success when you are obsessed with security. It is not possible to obtain unwavering security - physical, emotional, or economic - by having money. Keep in mind that security, like success, can be defined in many ways. If you focus less on how much your financial assets are worth, and more on what a creative and well-balanced individual you can be, security will take on a new meaning.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a person dull, boring, and despised.
I have gone from local obscurity to national obscurity to international obscurity. Once I learn how to monetize obscurity, I will be rich.
Enriching others is the only way to get rich, if that is what we desire. The more we serve, the more we deserve, getting what we give, no more and no less.
There is no secret to how to attain prosperity. The Universe supports and rewards us for taking risks on things that matter to the Universe. When we remember this, the mysteries about prosperity disappear, and prosperity stands explained. Prosperity will then manifest itself easily provided the Universe agrees that we are doing the right things in our lives to deserve this prosperity.
Talking about creativity is useless if you don't do anything magical with yours.