Ernst Gombrich Quotes

There really is no such thing as art. There are only artists.
Ernst Hans Gombrich, Didier Eribon (1993). “Looking for answers: conversations on art and science”, Harry N Abrams Inc
"The Story of Art". Book by Ernst Gombrich, 1950.
Anyone who can handle a needle convincingly can make us see a thread which is not there.
Ernst Hans Gombrich (1977). “Art and illusion: a study in the psychology of pictorial representation”
One cannot explain the existence of genius. It is better to enjoy it.
Ernst Hans Gombrich (1978). “The Story of Art”
Ernst Hans Gombrich (2002). “The preference for the primitive: episodes in the history of Western taste and art”, Phaidon Press
If you ask me what the world looks like to me, it looks like a painting by Pissarro.
Ernst Hans Gombrich, Didier Eribon (1993). “Looking for answers: conversations on art and science”, Harry N Abrams Inc