
Fernand Leger Quotes

The Beautiful is everywhere; perhaps more in the arrangement of your saucepans on the white walls of your kitchen than in your eighteenth-century living room or in the official museums.

Carolyn Lanchner, Fernand Léger, Jodi Hauptman, Matthew Affron (1998). “Fernand Léger: [Exposición] The Museum of Modern Art, New York, February 15-May 12, 1998”, p.124, The Museum of Modern Art

Enormous enlargements of an object or a fragment give it a personality it never had before, and in this way, it can become a vehicle of entirely new lyric and plastic power.

Fernand Léger, Katharine Kuh (1953). “Léger: Catalogue of Th Exhibition Organized by the Art Institute of Chicago in Collaboration with the Museum of Modern Art, New York and the San Francisco Museum of Art”

Even a part of an object has value. A whole new realism resides in the way one envisages an object or one of its parts.

Fernand Léger, Katharine Kuh (1953). “Léger: Catalogue of Th Exhibition Organized by the Art Institute of Chicago in Collaboration with the Museum of Modern Art, New York and the San Francisco Museum of Art”

What does that represent? There was never any question in plastic art, in poetry, in music, of representing anything. It is a matter of making something beautiful, moving, or dramatic - this is by no means the same thing.

Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Fernand Léger, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Sarah Campbell Blaffer Gallery (1975). “Picasso, Braque, Léger: masterpieces from Swiss collections”