
Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes about Passion

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Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves?

Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves?

"Beyond Good and Evil". Book by Friedrich Nietzsche, Chapter VII: Our Virtues, Aphorism 227, 1886.

Without passions you have no experience whatever.

Friedrich Nietzsche (2012). “Human, All-Too-Human: Parts One and Two”, p.235, Courier Corporation

An attack on the roots of passion means an attack on the roots of life.

Friedrich Nietzsche “Delphi Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche (Illustrated): Friedrich Nietzsche”, Delphi Classics

Spiritual strength and passion, when accompanied by bad manners, only provoke loathing.

Friedrich Nietzsche “Delphi Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche (Illustrated): Friedrich Nietzsche”, Delphi Classics

In music the passions enjoy themselves.

Friedrich Nietzsche (2009). “Basic Writings of Nietzsche”, p.274, Modern Library

You implanted your highest goal into the heart of those passions: then they became your virtues and joys.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (2015). “Thus Spake Zarathustra”, p.36, Booklassic

By means of music the very passions, enjoy themselves.

Friedrich Nietzsche (2016). “Beyond Good and Evil”, p.76, Friedrich Nietzsche

In a seriously intended intellectual emancipation a person's mute passions and cravings also hope to find their advantage.

Friedrich Nietzsche (2012). “Human, All-Too-Human: Parts One and Two”, p.217, Courier Corporation

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