The second you change the way you look at a situation, your stress levels drop.
Much of our anxiety and stress comes when we're focused on fear and disconnected from the voice of our inner guide.
Resentment creates stress.
The happier and more stress-free you are, the more people will want to be around you and the more your friends will respect you.
People carry around resentment for years! And that creates daily stress.
First you have to witness that you are stressing out: Oh, my trigger is here. The news is stressing me out or This line is so long. Let yourself feel it. You don't want to spiritually bypass these problems. Give yourself a couple of minutes to sit in the feeling. Acceptance sets you free from the stress of expectation.
Fear and stress - one creates the other.
Letting go of stress means that you can enjoy your life.
We associate stress with action, but how can you take action without stress? You take the right actions with a different energy. Yes, that might affect the speed at which you work or how much you get done in one day, but you'll probably get things done more efficiently.
I think stress is an addiction. It can be tied to work addiction or busyness addiction or success addiction.
If you're living your life avoiding stress, you must be living on an ashram.
Stress is actually the number one thing that blocks people from their happiness and well-being and from getting what they want.
On a piece of paper, write down the thing that is stressing you, the obstacle that is in your way. Then put it in a box and just leave it there. At the end of about a week, dispose of it - throw it in the trash or bury it - some sort of ritualistic act of releasing it.
If your stress is related to another person, finding forgiveness - changing your thoughts and energy around that person - can lower stress.
If I jump out of bed without hugging my husband, that creates stress between us.
Joy is a big stress buster too. Measure your success by how much fun you're having.
You have to know your triggers for stress and then have rituals for combating them.
Letting yourself off the hook takes the stress away.
We're not going to stop trying to live big. It's about transforming your stress so that it doesn't take over. The first step is to realize that it is there and that you are trying to outrun your fear.
Stressing and obsessing over your vision blocks it.
Learning presence is a stress buster.
For me, if I get up and don't meditate and don't eat something before having caffeine, I go from 0 to 10 on the stress scale.