Galileo Galilei Quotes - Page 5
Galileo Galilei (1967). “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Ptolemaic and Copernican, Second Revised Edition”, p.5, Univ of California Press
Galileo Galilei, Raymond John Seeger (1966). “Men of physics: Galileo Galilei, his life and his works”
Galileo Galilei, Stillman Drake (1974). “Two new sciences, including centers of gravity & force of percussion”, Univ of Wisconsin Pr
Letter to Fr. Vincenzo Renieri, 1633.
"Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo". Book by Stillman Drake (p. 92), 1957.
"The English Renaissance: An Anthology of Sources and Document". Book by Kate Aughterson (p. 383), June 1, 2002.