George Farquhar Quotes - Page 2

I have fed purely upon ale; I have eat my ale, drank my ale, and I always sleep upon ale.
'The Beaux' Stratagem' (1707) act 1, sc. 1
Mr. George Farquhar, Mr. Ambrose Philips, Nicholas Rowe (1720). “A Collection of the Best English Plays, Chosen Out of All the Best Authors..: Vol. XIII.”, p.66
'The Beaux' Stratagem' (1707) act 3, sc. 1
George Farquhar (1772). “The Works of the Late Ingenious Mr. George Farquhar: Containing All His Poems, Letters, Essays and Comedies”, p.24
'The Beaux' Stratagem' (1707) act 3, sc. 2
James Pocock, James Townley, David Garrick, George Farquhar, Nicholas Rowe (1818). “Hit Or Miss! A Musical Farce in Two Acts”
'The Recruiting Officer' (1706) act 3, sc. 2
John Bell, Joseph Addison, Michael Arne, John Banks, John Brown (1796). “British Theatre: Sir Harry Wildair”
Spite of all modesty, a man must own a pleasure in the hearing of his praise.
William. II Congreve William Wycherley (John Vanbrugh and Farquhar George), William. II Wycherley, William Congreve, George Farquhar, John Vanbrugh (1840). “Dramatic Works with Biographical and Critical Notices by Leigh Hunt. - London, Moxon 1840”, p.599
Tis a question whether adversity or prosperity makes the most poets.
George Farquhar (1736). “The twin-rivals: A comedy. : As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane: by her Majesty's servants”, p.81