George Farquhar Quotes

John Bell, Joseph Addison, Michael Arne, John Banks, John Brown (1796). “British Theatre: Sir Harry Wildair”
William. II Congreve William Wycherley (John Vanbrugh and Farquhar George), William. II Wycherley, William Congreve, George Farquhar, John Vanbrugh (1840). “Dramatic Works with Biographical and Critical Notices by Leigh Hunt. - London, Moxon 1840”, p.643
"The Twin Rivals". Book by George Farquhar, 1702.
'The Beaux' Stratagem' (1707) act 3, sc. 2
George Farquhar (1709*). “The Recruiting Officer: A Comedy. ... Written by Mr. Farquhar”, p.31
'Love and a Bottle' (1698) act 2, sc. 1.
When the blind lead the blind, no wonder they both fall into - matrimony.
William. II Congreve William Wycherley (John Vanbrugh and Farquhar George), William. II Wycherley, William Congreve, George Farquhar, John Vanbrugh (1840). “Dramatic Works with Biographical and Critical Notices by Leigh Hunt. - London, Moxon 1840”, p.508
Charming women can true converts make, We love the precepts for the teacher's sake.
'The Constant Couple' (1699) act 5, sc. 3.
There is no scandal like rags, nor any crime so shameful as poverty.
'The Beaux' Stratagem' (1707) act 1, sc. 1
Joseph Addison, Mr. John Dryden, Richard Steele, William Shakespeare, Colley Cibber (1750). “A Select Collection of the Best Modern English Plays: Vol. V.”, p.21
George Farquhar, George Daniel (1828*). “The Beaux' Stratagem: A Comedy in Five Acts”, p.20
Tis the greatest misfortune in nature for a woman to want a confidant.
William. II Congreve William Wycherley (John Vanbrugh and Farquhar George), William. II Wycherley, William Congreve, George Farquhar, John Vanbrugh (1840). “Dramatic Works with Biographical and Critical Notices by Leigh Hunt. - London, Moxon 1840”, p.628
Our sex still strikes an awe upon the brave, And only cowards dare affront a woman.
George Farquhar (1759). “The Constant Couple, Or, a Trip to the Jubilee: A Comedy, as it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal at Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's Servants”, p.65
'The Inconstant' (1702) act 4, sc. 2
'The Beaux' Stratagem' (1707) act 1, sc. 1
It is a maxim that man and wife should never have it in their power to hang one another.
George Farquhar, Arthur Murphy, George sen Colman, David Garrick (1817). “Comedy of the Beaux Stratagem with the Biography of the Author and a Critique by Richard Cumberland”, p.64
'The Constant Couple' (1699) act 1, sc. 2
William. II Congreve William Wycherley (John Vanbrugh and Farquhar George), William. II Wycherley, William Congreve, George Farquhar, John Vanbrugh (1840). “Dramatic Works with Biographical and Critical Notices by Leigh Hunt. - London, Moxon 1840”, p.485
'The Constant Couple' (1699) act 5, sc. 3
George Farquhar (1760). “The Works of the Late Ingenious Mr. George Farquhar: Containing All His Poems, Letters, Essays and Comedies, Publish'd in His Life-time. In Two Volumes”
Colley Cibber, Sir Richard Steele, George Farquhar, sir John Vanbrugh, William Congreve (1765). “THE ENGLISH THEATRE IN EIGHT VOLUMES: CONTAINING The Most Valuable PLAYS Which Have Been Acted on the LONDON STAGE.. INCONSTANT. By Mr. Farzuhar ; LOVE FOR LOVE. By Mr. Congreve ; LOVE MAKES A MAN. By C. Cibber, Esq. ; LYING LOVER. By Sir Rich. Steele ; PROVOKED WIFE. By Sir John Vanbrugh. VOL. V.”, p.22
'Love and a Bottle' (1698) act 3, sc. 2.
'The Beaux' Stratagem' (1707) act 2, sc. 2