George Lillo Quotes

John Bell, Joseph Addison, Michael Arne, John Banks, John Brown (1796). “British Theatre: Fatal curiosity”, p.73
There's sure no passion in the human soul, But finds its food in music.
'The Fatal Curiosity' (1736) act 1, sc. 2
George Lillo, John HOADLY (LL.D., Dramatic Writer.) (1762). “Arden of Feversham: An Historical Tragedy: Taken from Holingshead's Chronicle, In the Reign of King Edward VI. Acted at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. By the Late Mr. Lillo”, p.34
George Lillo (1810). “Fatal curiosity, a tragedy. Marina, a play. Elmerick; or, Justice triumphant, a tragedy. Britannia and Batavia, a masque. Arden of Feversham, a tragedy”, p.126