
George Pataki Quotes

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On that terrible day, a nation became a neighborhood. All Americans became New Yorkers.

On that terrible day, a nation became a neighborhood. All Americans became New Yorkers.

"Pataki invokes 9/11 in Bush introduction". September 3, 2004.

We need a President that all Americans can respect, not a celebrity who uses words like freedom and liberty like they are a punchline in a reality show.

"Pataki's Trump card: Using The Donald to get noticed in crowded GOP field" By Jeremy Diamond, July 3, 2015.

I’m a Republican who embraces science and understands we have to work with the next generation of Millennials to have the innovation and technology so that we can grow a 21st century economy.

George Pataki at Republican Presidential Debate at University of Colorado's Coors Events Center in Boulder, Colorado, October 28, 2015.

What better day to lay the cornerstone of the Freedom Tower than the day our country declared its independence.

"Cornerstone to be laid at trade center site" by Phil Hirschkorn, Alina Cho, July 3, 2004.