
Together We Can Quotes

That is always our problem, not how to get control of people, but how all together we can get control of a situation.

Mary Parker Follett (2013). “Freedom and Co-ordination (RLE: Organizations): Lectures in Business Organization”, p.24, Routledge

Embryonic stem cell research has the potential to alleviate so much suffering. Surely, by working together we can harness its life-giving potential.

"Frist Breaks from Bush on Stem Cell Research; Terror Suspects in Custody in London and Rome; Energy Bill Extends Daylight Savings Time". “Live From...”, July 29, 2005.

... together we can build the people's Church, a true Church. Not just a hierarchy, or a building, but a real change inside people.

Rigoberta MenchĂș (2009). “I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala (Second Edition)”, p.289, Verso Books