There seems to be a lot of name-calling going on, but I want to remind you what our good dad told me one time. Labels are for soup cans.
It was much easier for me to endure the belittling than it was to watch my dad get belittled.
I've got a dad who jumps out of an airplane.
I thought how proud I am to be standing up beside my dad. Never did it occur to me that he would become the gist for cartoonists.
I had watched Dad climb into the biggest arena and succeed. I wanted to find out if I had what it took to join him.
After all, this is a guy that tried to kill my dad at one time.
I come from a different generation from my Dad.
You know, I could run for governor but I'm basically a media creation. I've never done anything. I've worked for my dad. I worked in the oil business. But that's not the kind of profile you have to have to get elected to public office.
I suspect that had my dad not been president, he'd be asking the same questions: How'd your meeting go with so-and-so? . How did you feel when you stood up in front of the people for the State of the Union Address-state of the budget address, whatever you call it.
If you are young child and you've lost mother and dad to AIDS and rich nations sit on the sidelines not caring, you will become a frustrated person and a hopeless person.
1992 was the worst year of my life, to watch my dad lose. It was a painful experience. Yet when I became president, it was so much easier to be president.