
Greg Laurie Quotes - Page 2

We can trust God's heart even when we can't trace His path.

We can trust God's heart even when we can't trace His path.

FaceBook post by Greg Laurie from Jan 30, 2014

I have read the last page of the Bible and I know for sure that we win in the end.

"Greg Laurie: Watered-Down Mainline Christianity Is a Sign of the End Times (Interview)". Interview with Samuel Smith, August 29, 2016.

You become a disciple in the biblical sense only when you are totally and completely committed to Jesus Christ and His Word.

Greg Laurie (2011). “Let God Change Your Life: How to Know and Follow Jesus”, p.86, David C Cook

I don't know when the end of the world is, but there are people that I speak to every night, the end of their world could be tomorrow because we don't know when life will end.

"Greg Laurie: Watered-Down Mainline Christianity Is a Sign of the End Times (Interview)". Interview with Samuel Smith, August 29, 2016.

Every Christian needs to be informed, every Christian needs to register and every Christian should absolutely vote.

"Greg Laurie: Watered-Down Mainline Christianity Is a Sign of the End Times (Interview)". Interview with Samuel Smith, August 29, 2016.