
Guy Gavriel Kay Quotes

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You have to be afraid for it to count as bravery.

Guy Gavriel Kay (2010). “Under Heaven”, p.157, Penguin

We are the total of our longings.

Guy Gavriel Kay (2016). “The Summer Tree: Book One of the The Fionavar Tapestry”, p.37, Hachette UK

But if you couldn't do everything, did that mean you did nothing?

Guy Gavriel Kay (2010). “Under Heaven”, p.17, Penguin

Why did becoming accustomed to something have to render its pleasures stale.

Guy Gavriel Kay (2010). “Under Heaven”, p.178, Penguin

Dave hung up. And unplugged the phone. With a fierce and bitter pain he stared at it, watching how, over and over again, it didn't ring.

Guy Gavriel Kay (2016). “The Summer Tree: Book One of the The Fionavar Tapestry”, p.34, Hachette UK

most hated by the dark, for their name is light.

Guy Gavriel Kay (2001). “The Darkest Road: Book Three of the Fionavar Tapestry”, p.48, Penguin

We salvage what we can, what truly matters to us, even at the gates of despair.

Guy Gavriel Kay (2001). “Summer Tree, The: Book One of the Fionavar Tapestry”, p.126, Penguin

One didn't stop to talk with creatures from one's nightmares.

Guy Gavriel Kay (2016). “The Summer Tree: Book One of the The Fionavar Tapestry”, p.253, Hachette UK

Sometimes you didn't really arrive at a conclusion about your life, you just discovered that you already had.

Guy Gavriel Kay (2010). “Lord of Emperors: Book Two of the Sarantine Mosaic”, p.128, Penguin