You can't change the past but you can change everything else. Take your first step toward making a significant change in your life, today.
There is a big difference between just learning something, and actually LIVING what you learn.
THE MIRACLE EQUATION: Unwavering Faith + Extraordinary Effort = Miracles. When you maintain unwavering faith in your dreams and give extraordinary effort toward your goals, that is how you create miracles in your life.
Who you become today will determine what you are capable of creating tomorrow.
When you are consciously aware of all that you have to be grateful for, your life is in perfect harmony.
You must establish and maintain the beliefs that you are... capable, committed and destined to achieve your goals.
To love your family, love your work, live your purpose and be unconditionally grateful for every moment of your life... is to succeed at the highest level (in my opinion).
The less you 'think' you know, the greater your ability to learn and grow.
Dear Procrastinator: Taking action in and of itself is not difficult, but is in fact satisfying and is usually followed by a sense of pride & accomplishment. However, it is THINKING about the action that you should be taking and NOT taking it that's difficult, as it leaves you feeling guilty and unsatisfied. THE SOLUTION: Stop thinking and take action NOW.
Need nothing. Enjoy everything. Love all.