No country will reach its full potential if its female citizens do not enjoy full equality.
Fortunately New Zealand doesn't have land borders so we are able to be somewhat more rigorous on who gets in and out of our country than perhaps some people.
Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries on earth. Security issue or no security issue, there would need to be a focus on it.
Although biodiversity loss continues globally, many countries are significantly slowing the rate of loss by shoring up protected natural areas and the services they provide, and in expanding national park systems with tighter management and more secure funding.
If you neglect those who are currently poor and stable, you may create more poor and unstable people. There has been a tremendous concentration of donor interest in countries that are seen as particularly fragile - but it becomes harder to mobilise money for sub-Saharan, plain poor countries.
Of course as a small country you're not necessarily in the strongest negotiating position unless you're negotiating with other small countries.