
Henri Nouwen Quotes - Page 8

Forgiveness indeed heals memories

Henri J. M. Nouwen (2009). “Bread for the Journey: A Daybook of Wisdom and Faith”, p.29, Harper Collins

Prayer is not a pious decoration of life but the breath of human existence.

Henri Nouwen (2013). “The Wounded Healer: Ministry in Contemporary Society”, p.17, Image

The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it

Henri J. M. Nouwen (2016). “The Spiritual Life: Eight Essential Titles by Henri Nouwen”, HarperCollins

We need to remind each other that the cup of sorrow is also the cup of joy, that precisely what causes us sadness can become the fertile ground for gladness.

Henri J.M. Nouwen (2017). “You Are the Beloved: Daily Meditations for Spiritual Living”, Convergent Books