Decoration Quotes
... it has always seemed to me that books are the supreme decorations of a room
Patrick O'Brian (1952). “Testimonies”
It is not enough to wear an ornamental cross as a pretty decoration.
A. B. Simpson (2010). “The Cross of Christ: His Sufferings and Their Impact on the Believer”, p.23, Moody Publishers
What is art? It is not decoration. It is the re-living of experience.
Rebecca West (2007). “Black Lamb and Grey Falcon”, p.1127, Penguin
Humorists of the 'mere' sort cannot survive. Humor is only a fragrance, a decoration.
Mark Twain (2004). “The Portable Mark Twain”, p.13, Penguin
Prayer is not a pious decoration of life but the breath of human existence.
Henri Nouwen (2013). “The Wounded Healer: Ministry in Contemporary Society”, p.17, Image
Audience boredom is usually a content failure, not a decoration failure.
Edward R. Tufte (2003). “The cognitive style of PowerPoint”, Graphics Pr