Henry David Thoreau Quotes - Page 75

Fresh curls spring from the baldest brow. There is nothing inorganic.
We are the subjects of an experiment which is not a little interesting to me.
There is a chasm between knowledge and ignorance which the arches of science can never span.
What avails it that another loves you, if he does not understand you? Such love is a curse.
Surely the writer is to address a world of laborers, and such therefore must be his own discipline.
A good book is the plectrum with which our else silent lyres are struck.
Every man should stand for a force which is perfectly irresistible.
Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. God will see that you do not want society.
I see less difference between a city and a swamp than formerly.
There is a slumbering subterranean fire in nature which never goes out, and which no cold can chill.