Henry David Thoreau Quotes - Page 72

Henry David Thoreau, Joseph O. Valentine, Thoreau Society (2001). “Thoreau on Land: Nature's Canvas”, p.21, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Henry David Thoreau (2012). “Walden; Or, Life in the Woods”, p.49, Courier Corporation
There is an incessant influx of novelty into the world, and yet we tolerate incredible dullness.
Henry David Thoreau (1977). “The portable Thoreau”, Penguin
Henry David Thoreau (2015). “Walden and on the Duty of Civil Disobedience”, p.229, Henry David Thoreau
To be awake is to be completely alive. I have never yet met a man who was quite awake.
Henry David Thoreau (2013). “The Essential Thoreau”, p.57, Simon and Schuster
Gardening is civil and social, but it wants the vigor and freedom of the forest and the outlaw.
Henry David Thoreau (2016). “A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers”, p.39, Xist Publishing
Quoted in Colin Jarman The Guinness Dictionary of Sports Quotations (1990).
Henry David Thoreau (2014). “Citizen Thoreau: Walden, Civil Disobedience, Life Without Principle, Slavery in Massachusetts, A Plea for Captain John Brown”, p.54, Graphic Arts Books
Henry David Thoreau (2016). “Walden”, p.111, Xist Publishing
Henry David Thoreau (1873). “A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers”, p.99
Henry David Thoreau, Odell Shepard (1961). “The Heart of Thoreau's Journals”, p.31, Courier Corporation
The frontiers are not east or west, north or south, but wherever a man fronts a fact.
Henry David Thoreau (2016). “A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers”, p.217, Xist Publishing
Henry David Thoreau (1960). “H. D. Thoreau, a Writer's Journal”, p.12, Courier Corporation
Henry David Thoreau (2013). “Quotable Thoreau: An A to Z Glossary of Inspiring Quotations from Henry David Thoreau”, p.44, BookBaby
Henry David Thoreau (2013). “The Essential Thoreau”, p.209, Simon and Schuster
Henry David Thoreau (2012). “The Portable Thoreau”, p.110, Penguin
What wealth is it to have such friends that we cannot think of them without elevation!
Henry David Thoreau (2014). “Familiar Letters (Annotated Edition)”, p.73, Jazzybee Verlag
How can we expect a harvest of thought who have not had a seedtime of character?
Henry David Thoreau, Odell Shepard (1961). “The Heart of Thoreau's Journals”, p.134, Courier Corporation
Henry David Thoreau (2014). “Familiar Letters (Annotated Edition)”, p.83, Jazzybee Verlag
Henry David Thoreau (2012). “The Portable Thoreau”, p.92, Penguin
It is dry, hazy June weather. We are more of the earth, farther from heaven these days.
Henry David Thoreau, John C. Broderick, Robert Sattelmeyer, Sandra Harbert Petrulionis (1981). “Journal”, p.204, Princeton University Press
Henry David Thoreau (2013). “Delphi Complete Works of Henry David Thoreau (Illustrated)”, p.270, Delphi Classics
Henry David Thoreau (1894). “The Writings of Henry David Thoreau: With Bibliographical Introductions and Full Indexes”