Henry Fuseli Quotes
Art, like love, excludes all competition and absorbs the man.
1789 Aphorisms on Art, no.3 (published 1831).
Indiscriminate pursuit of perfection infallibly leads to mediocrity.
Henry Fuseli (1831). “Lectures. Aphorisms. A history of art in the schools of Italy”, p.111
Expression alone can invest beauty with supreme and lasting command over the eye.
Henry Fuseli (1831). “Lectures. Aphorisms. A history of art in the schools of Italy”, p.96
James Barry, John Opie, Henry Fuseli (1848). “Lectures on Painting”, p.358
Emulation embalms the dead; envy, the vampire, blasts the living.
Henry Fuseli (1831). “Lectures. Aphorisms. A history of art in the schools of Italy”, p.140
Life is rapid, art is slow, occasion coy, practice fallacious, and judgment partial.
Henry Fuseli (1831). “The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli”, p.63
Heaven and earth, advantages and obstacles, conspire to educate genius.
Henry Fuseli (1831). “Lectures. Aphorisms. A history of art in the schools of Italy”, p.64
1789 Aphorisms on Art, no.149 (published 1831).
Henry Fuseli (1831). “Lectures”, p.77
1789 Aphorisms on Art, no.237, (published 1831).
1789 Aphorisms on Art, no.148 (published 1831).