Heywood Broun Quotes
"The Wisdom of China and India". Book by Lin Yutang, 1942.
The great threat to the young and pure in heart is not what they read but what they don't read.
Heywood Broun, Margaret Leech (1927). “Anthony Comstock: Roundsman of the Lord”
"It seems to me, 1925-1935".
Heywood Broun (1935). “It seems to me, 1925-1935”, 1935.
Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God.
"Collected Edition of Heywood Broun". Book by Heywood Broun (p. 26), 1941.
God, as some cynic has said, is always on the side which has the best football coach.
Heywood Broun (1921). “Seeing things at night”
Only Puritans think of the Devil as the most fascinating figure in the universe.
Heywood Broun, Margaret Leech (1927). “Anthony Comstock: Roundsman of the Lord”