Is this so-called [Republican Party] hate wing that is so angry at all the things that have - all the changes that have happened in America, this is what they respond to.And I think it`s dangerous for the country, I also think it`s going to be incredibly unsuccessful in the general election.
Donald Trump has used lawsuits as a weapon throughout his entire business career, and whether they`re frivolous or not has nothing to do with any of it. What he knows is if he can sue somebody for $10 million, that somebody, especially if it`s a consultant is not likely to have the money to defend it. So, then it goes away as long as he signs a non-disclosure act agreement and so on and so forth.
The pitfall of what's happening in the media is if you're under thirty, you get your news from the Internet and The Daily Show, and there's not much discrimination between what they find on the front page of The New York Times and what they find on the Internet. That's not a bad thing, in the sense that people don't get spoon - fed anymore.
I think the media is very much like the inside-the-Beltway crowd. They're not average Americans themselves. They're under a lot of pressure from editors and publishers.
The war in Iraq was unwinnable.
Most Christmas carols have no obvious religious content, or at least that's noticeable to most people. I mean, it is almost by definition, a cultural phenomenon, all these songs, even though they point to this very religious holiday. They're not religious songs in effect anymore.
If you're really worried about the effect of "Silent Night" on the kids, you need a hobby or something, and I'm glad you're pointing that out.
I'm not attacking liberals with a broad brush.
I'm not against the Hanukkah songs. I like Hanukkah songs. I grew up with Hanukkah songs. I'm not opposed to Hanukkah or the songs that accompany it, at all.
I wish that there was a unified Democratic position on the war in Iraq. I was that there was a unified American position and everybody agreed with me that we ought to be out of there yesterday. But they don't, and that's the fact. I mean, he's stating a fact about what's going on.
I'm interested in getting John Kerry elected President. And then I'm interested in doing whatever I can to see that Democrats retain Democratic values. And the thing I'm most interested in is health insurance for everybody. We're the only country in the industrialized world that doesn't have that, and we need that.
This guy is totally unorthodox. Maybe he`s flipping coins or playing three-card Monty to see who he wants to pick. Donald Trump is so unorthodox that I think it`s almost impossible to have any reasonable prediction about who he`s going to pick for the Vice-President.
I learned that the American people are pretty great people. And they are just poorly served by their leadership, and Washington's very much out of touch with the struggles of ordinary Americans. My hope is that we'll have a Democratic Administration, and then we'll hold their feet to the fire so they start performing for people who put them there.
Early withdrawal from Iraq would result in unarguably, defeat and humiliation for the United States. There's no question. We would be defeated by definition. We would be humiliated in that defeat.
It is true that there`s an economic argument and an economic feeling that something different needs to happen and politicians talking out of both sides of their mouth and all that kind of stuff.
I talked for a long time about that, what I call the hate wing of the Republican Party.And often been criticized for saying it. But there is such a thing, and it started in 1968 with the southern strategy developed by Richard Nixon to bring southern racists out of the Democratic Party and into the Republican Party, which they succeeded in doing.
My energy level is very high ... how ambitious it all is depends on lots of different things. But pretty high energy level. I take on a lot of projects at the same time.
I have a great sense of humor, but it has an ironic twist to it.
We won when we toppled Saddam. That was the only clear goal of this war, to topple the Iraqi government. It took about 10 minutes.
You can't make Howard Dean a straw man. He is what he appears to be. And that's the beauty of Howard Dean.