Change doesn't have to be hard, and healing doesn't have to hurt. Surely by now you know that every thing happens for a reason! There is something better awaiting you on the other side of this.
Your greatest adversary is also your greatest teacher. Like it or not, it is the job of certain people to bring out the worst in you. What they trigger is already in you. They are here to reveal the sore, tender wounded places in your heart and mind, and they are providing you with a wonderful and divine opportunity for healing.
Forgiveness leads to a shift in perception. It transforms the hurt into healing.
You're never healing the level you're on. You're always healing the level you came from. For example, you know things today that you didn't know in your first marriage.
When you find yourself in a new situation, everything that requires healing is going to rush to the surface.
Feminine power is silent, dark, mysterious, healing, nurturing. A woman can walk into a room and control it. She doesn't even have to open her mouth if she knows where her power is.
Everyone is always looking for their beloved. Well, why can't you be your own beloved? Fall in love with yourself.
When you enter a new experience, all that requires healing rushes to the surface . . . You have to pause.
If you don't have a test, you won't be able to have a testimony.
Acknowledgemen t of what you feel, what you know, what you need is the first step toward healing.
Healing is the application of love to the places inside that hurt.
I'm focusing on healing lives and teaching people that they can heal - giving them tools to heal.
There is a lot of healing going on. Really! More people are vegetarians, more are in the green movement, more of us are tearing down the old paradigms and embracing same-sex marriage, single motherhood, men raising babies.