Make sure with the time that you have, you really make an impact on people.
You've got to pursue your dreams and it will get you to places that you can't even imagine.
I got started at a really young age. I was about two years old when I started playing the piano and around seven or eight when I started writing my own chords and putting words together.
The best part was seeing fans and making new ones. I loved going to new places. I really had the time of my life out there.
I think artists like Justin Bieber really opened up a door for younger artists to be respected in the industry. I really like what he did.
I think my music is a lot different than what is already out there and people will be really attracted to it.
It was really cool being out on the road and doing school with my tutor over Skype or on the phone, but it can definitely be difficult.
My education is the most important thing so I always have to make time for it.
I have a really grounded group of friends, and they like me no matter what. I think it's really important to know who your real friends are.
I've been surfing almost as long as I've been playing music.