
Jacob Braude Quotes

All work and no plagiarism makes a dull speech.

Jacob M. Braude (1975). “Braude's Handbook of Stories for Toastmasters and Speakers”, Prentice Hall

If a thing goes without saying -- let it.

Jacob Morton Braude (1966). “Speech openers and closers”

The surest way to get a job done is to give it to a busy man. He'll have his secretary do it.

Jacob Morton Braude (1966). “Speaker's desk book of quips, quotes, & anecdotes”

Bigamy is two rites that make a wrong.

Jacob Morton Braude (1965). “Definitions and toasts”

Thanksgiving, to be truly Thanksgiving, is first thanks, then giving.

Jacob Morton Braude (1966). “Speaker's desk book of quips, quotes, & anecdotes”