Go for the burn! Sweat!
An exercise outfit helps because it sets this time apart from the rest of your day and makes it matter more.
Whatever kind of workout you settle on, it should include the Big Three of exercise for health and fitness-aerobics, resistance exercises, and stretching.
No distractions. Center yourself. This is your time.
Your goal should be to take your body and make it as healthy, strong, flexible and well-proportioned as you can.
Exercise teaches you the pleasure of discipline.
The harder you work out, the more you should stretch.
Namby-pamby little routines that don't speed up your heartbeat and make you sweat aren't worth your while.
The absolute minimum for effective exercise is three times a week on alternate days for at least half an hour.
When you think you can't do any more repetitions, do two more.
A big mirror to exercise in front of is essential.