
Jane Goodall Quotes - Page 10

Some people actually do not like animals - hard for me to understand, but true.

Some people actually do not like animals - hard for me to understand, but true.

"Conservationist Dr. Jane Goodall: Empathizing With Animals And Touching People's Hearts". Interview with Lauren Kearney,

Mainly because as women's education increases all around the planet, we find that family size tends to drop.

"Jane Goodall Works To Help Humans, Too". "Science Friday" with Ira Flatow, February 12, 2010.

I think anything is better than war. The extent to which one can negotiate with fanatics, I have no idea. I don't know.

"Dr. Jane Goodall: Healing and possibility of peace". Live chat, September 27, 2001.

Well, in some ways we're not successful at all. We're destroying our home. That's not a bit successful.

"The Discover Interview: Jane Goodall". Interview with Virginia Morell, March 28, 2007.