
Javier Bardem Quotes

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I've always said I don't believe in God, I believe in Al Pacino.

I've always said I don't believe in God, I believe in Al Pacino.

"'I always fight directors'". Interview with Christopher Turner, February 8, 2008.

You shall love. Whether you like it or not.

"Fictional character: Father Quintana". "To the Wonder", 2012.

We live in a world of denial, and we don't know what the truth is anymore.

"Toronto 2012: Javier Bardem Says U.S., U.N. Risk More Violence in Northern Africa, Middle East". Interview with Pamela McClintock, September 13, 2012.

Age has no reality except in the physical world. The essence of a human being is resistant to the passage of time.

"Fictional character: Florentino Ariza". "Love in the Time of Cholera", 2007.

The bad news is that only the bad people reach the news because they are noisier.

"Berlin 2012: Javier Bardem Talks About Alvaro Longoria's 'Sons of the Clouds: The Last Colony' (Q&A)". Interview with Pamela Rolfe, February 15, 2012.

I was raised not to be afraid to show emotion or imagination.

"On the Cover: Javier Bardem". Interview with Michael Paterniti, September 20, 2012.

I can't imagine what it would be like being James Bond 24 hours. That must be exhausting.

"Javier Bardem Interview: Skyfall". Interview, October 29, 2012.

Imagine the situation between Israel and Palestine. It's such a big mess. You can be on one side or the other. But what's clear is that there's an urgent need for a solution there and that's been dragging on for so long.

"Berlin 2012: Javier Bardem Talks About Alvaro Longoria's 'Sons of the Clouds: The Last Colony' (Q&A)". Interview with Pamela Rolfe, February 15, 2012.

The middle and working classes are paying the debt that the financial markets created.

"On the Cover: Javier Bardem" by Michael Paterniti, September 20, 2012.